Spring nail polish

This spring, my friend Gemma turned us onto this amazing nail polish:
Dior Nail Glow. And now all our friends are wearing it. Have you tried it? Here's how it works...

Here are nails without polish, above...

One coat, above...

Two coats, above...

Voila! Basically,
Nail Glow, which is
slightly pink, enhances the natural color of your nails: the pinks of the nails become pinker and the whites become whiter. It's beautifully glossy in person (it was hard to capture in photos!) and easy to apply—it makes nails look clean and feminine. Your nails just look DONE. I'd highly recommend it as an everyday spring color.
(Photos by
Alpha Smoot for
A Cup of Jo. Styling by
Kendra Smoot. Gold dot ring by
Basha Burwell)
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