Have a fun weekend!
(I'll be back on Tuesday!)
ABC Yoga looks awesome.
What people eat every day around the world.
Don't you love Mindy Kaling?
Brussels sprouts caesar salad.
What to wear to the beach. (Scroll down.)
Gwyneth Paltrow's news, explained in GIFs.
What it's like to name products for a living.
Five foods to never store in the fridge.
60 nutty facts about NYC. (Tiny shrimp are in the drinking water!)
The best places to cry in New York City.
How to put a toddler to bed in 100 easy steps.
What a cute spring bag.
Want to sleep over at this bookstore?
A dad's awesome videos of his son. (Worth watching.)
How to negotiate around the world.
And Seinfeld on driving in Florida:)
(Top photo by William Eggleston)